Tired of downtime and horrible customer support and overloaded servers?
Join SemoWeb and stop being tired! Enjoy your hosting with SemoWeb, we offer valuable account options and 99.99% Uptime. SemoWeb is not just another web host. We strive to provide the best hosting possible and maintain great customer satisfaction.
Reliable & Secure Linux Servers Backed Up Nightly. Secure & Stable Servers
Our reliable web hosting service is backed by stable and secure linux servers. You'll never have to worry about losing any of your valuable data, as we perform data backups nightly. Join SemoWeb today!
Softaculous Auto-Installer
Softaculous is an Instant/Auto Installer. Softaculous helps users to install free/opensource softwares within minutes. A user can install a software, available in Softaculous, without having to download/upload any files, change any files. At the current time it install's over 400+ softwares unlike Fantastico installing only 50 scripts. However we still offer Fantastico for clients who prefer to use it.