Server Virtualization Image


There are many benefits to server virtualization. In recent weeks, we’ve explained the difference between server virtualization and cloud hosting. Today, we’re diving further into why we believe using virtual servers is the most effective way to meet your hosting needs.


Key Virtualization Benefits


1. Faster Server Provisioning: System administrators are able to more quickly provide hosting service when using virtualization because virtual machines become available almost immediately upon request.


2. Reduced Heat Buildup: Servers generate heat. All computers do – that’s a given. Virtual servers, however, help to reduce the amount of heat generated by cutting down on the number of physical machines being utilized.


3. Virtualization Is Cheaper: Virtualization enables a single machine to be broken into many separate containers, thereby creating a significant quantity of virtual machines for the cost of a single physical server.


4. Easier to Create Backups: Virtual machines offer image-based backup and restoration processes. This makes backup and recovery much easier by using snapshot technology. This can be applied either to an entire virtual server or only to blocks that have been altered.


5. Improved Testing Environments: Because backups are so effective when using virtual machines, they are the perfect place to create Testing, Development and QA environments.


6. Greater Uptime & Availability: Virtual machines are created using hypervisors. Many hypervisors feature special software enables higher uptime. They are also much quicker and easier to restart in the event of failure.


7. Simple Cloud Migration: Cloud storage is incredibly important in today’s world. Files stored on virtual servers are easier to move to the cloud because of their presence in a virtual environment.


8. Faster Redeploy: There are many factors that can alter the redeploy time of a physical machine. Virtual servers recover more quickly from downtime because they are not subject to as many variables as their more tangible counterparts.


9. Reduced Maintenance: While virtual servers do require regular ongoing software maintenance, there is much less to do in terms of caring for physical hardware.


10. Positive Environmental Impact: By eliminating the need for so many physical units, virtual servers improve the environment by reducing the amount of resources required to host the same quantity of servers.


Why Virtual Servers Can Work for You

As you can see, virtualization is a tremendous technological advancement that brings many benefits to the hosting world. At SemoWeb, we’re proud to be a VPS provider because we believe in what these benefits can mean to our customers. If you’ve been thinking about making the switch to a virtual server, we’re here to help. Let our team help you find the perfect server to meet your needs!


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